Category Archives: Unity

Building Relationships.


It is common knowledge that life is about relationships. Successes and failure are all about relationships. Relationships and how we make them and keep them is what is very important for every individual to understand. If you look around everywhere you are, you will see evidence of failed relationships more than successful ones. All the trouble in the world can be easily attributed to failed relationships.

When a relationship goes wrong, literary everything else goes wrong. It can result in murder, suicide, rape, violence, war, divorce, bitterness, destruction or even terrorism. It is therefore important to know how to maintain relationships and keep them safe and growing.

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Be of one mind with your spouse.


One of the biglove_and_marriagegest challenges faced in marriage these days is lack of oneness and unity in whatever couples are doing. Most couples are compromised in this area where they can hardly agree on something and work it through to the end still together. This lack of unity kills the necessary cohesion needed in team effort to accomplish the marriage mandate.

Marriage is team work, a three-member team. The team is the husband, wife and God. If these 3 are not of one mind, the marriage suffers many things and its quality is compromised.

I just want to share with you how you can possibly achieve this one mind goal in your marriage.

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