God created Marriage 2


Last week we discussed two principles of marriage and we did lay a good foundation on the fact and truth that marriage is a God creation and it is the same everywhere. It is an institution that God views as holy and He loves it. We saw that marriage is built on the principle of one wife one husband and on giving each other affection as a couple. There is no room for denying each other affection like we see and hear about in some marriages around the world. We want to continue discussing more principles that make marriage what God designed. If you missed last week’s article please look for it on this newspaper’s website am sure you will find it. Marriage seems to be losing its purpose because we neglect these foundational principles and begin to do it the way we want. Marriage cannot be defined or interpreted from a political or humanistic point of view. Doing so is betrayal of the purpose of this holy sanctuary which God loves. Read the rest of this entry

God Created Marriage


The marriage institution is the same throughout humanity. It has all its origins in God the creator of Heavens and earth and all that is in them. It serves His purpose more than ours.

It is as He made it in the beginning in Genesis. Marriage is not a human culture making. It has nothing to do with our human cultures and traditions. It has everything to do with God and His intentions. I am talking about marriage, a holy institution which God loves and not a wedding day or wedding ceremony. The two are different though.

Marriage is not even a scientific discovery or any religious creation. It has nothing to do with religion etc. I repeat, marriage is about God and his purposes and intentions.

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Building Relationships.


It is common knowledge that life is about relationships. Successes and failure are all about relationships. Relationships and how we make them and keep them is what is very important for every individual to understand. If you look around everywhere you are, you will see evidence of failed relationships more than successful ones. All the trouble in the world can be easily attributed to failed relationships.

When a relationship goes wrong, literary everything else goes wrong. It can result in murder, suicide, rape, violence, war, divorce, bitterness, destruction or even terrorism. It is therefore important to know how to maintain relationships and keep them safe and growing.

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Love is better than money in a relationship.


Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted calf with hatred. Proverbs 15: 17

We live in a society that is so obsessed with material things more than life itself. The generality of our people want to define and measure life according to ‘things’ and want also to define and qualify relationships with what they get materially. They forget that Love is the center and soul of life. Read the rest of this entry

Promoting financial transparency in Marriage?

dollars-generic-650x400_650x400_61445395493Last week we looked at some reasons for lack of transparency in dealing with finances in marriage. We saw how this causes conflicts in marriage and how it has led to divorce in many cases. It is an unfortunate thing that couples could end up divorcing because they are failing to be responsible enough and deal with such obvious issues.

Transparency is key in a marriage relationship. Marriage is team work and teamwork builds on mutual understanding, equality and transparency.

The unfortunate thing is that these days there is so much secrecy in marriage and so much selfishness and hardheartedness.  The reason for this is that we are doing marriage out of lawlessness. Lawlessness is rejecting the word of God for all we do and doing things own our own. The word of God is the law of life in this life. Without it we are wandering in the wilderness and harming ourselves. Read the rest of this entry

Lack of financial transparency causes conflicts in marriage.


If you carefully look at how the Anti-Christ is infiltrating society these days, you will see a planned trend of not only weakening but rubbishing marriage, the family, and the church. He uses two things money and sexuality.

Many marriages are torn apart on these two God-given issues. Many families are collapsing, and you will agree with me that the church is struggling on those two.

I believe that we need to go back to the scriptures, so we can gain enough divine wisdom, in order to counter the deceptions sold us by the enemy concerning money and sexuality in our marriages, family and church.

I want to focus on the money issue today in a marriage set-up. Read the rest of this entry

Your heart is where your treasure is.


We may already know that the number one reason for divorce is lack of intentional investment in our marriages. Most of us do not plan to invest time and resources in making their marriages work and healthy.

Marriage is work and your marriage is your responsibility. Do not leave this responsibility to your relatives, pastors or friends. You will be disappointed.

Each spouse has a work to do to make marriage work and overcoming.  Today we need to Biblically qualify our call to invest in our marriages and families. Mathew 6: 21 say, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Read the rest of this entry

The ‘snare’ for couples in Ministry?  


Perfect-Photo1Today I want to write to my fellow believers and brethren. Am not trying to be critical but just to highlight some issues that we do not necessarily handle well and yet they are affecting marriages in the church big time.

There is need for not only awareness but focused education in the church about marriage particularly at pre-marital level. There is this assumption that because someone is said to be anointed, have a call of God on their lives or have a more visible gift, then they are marriageable or good for marriage.

I think there is some deception taking place there and this is what I just want to highlight and help people with. I have seen a number of well- meaning people of God get hurt in this area. I also see a number of couples serving in ministry or at church struggling because they married the person out of anointing or gift.

black women-married pastor mistress pregnant 3 times

Like I said, there is a misconception that those gifted in ministry or said to be anointed are just ripe for marriage.

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Characteristics of Healthy Marriages.



There are many opinions on this subject and every one of us has a right to their own opinions, although I believe in the opinions of the word of God concerning human issues. I am going to give you a few things that I believe make a marriage healthy. I know that all of us desire healthy marriages where we can really be fruitful and enjoy life together. A very healthy marriage is possible and you are the one who can make it.

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Value your wife.

ydHuman cultures, traditions and religions attach very little value to women in general. This has led over the centuries, to the serious abuse of women who are treated as inferior, and with no value at all. The abuse of women in marriage and outside of it stem from these seriously wrong cultural, and religious beliefs. One glaring religious error is the deliberate teaching that in Genesis 3, God cursed the woman and made her inferior to man. For centuries this scripture has been violated and abused just to suit a satanic agenda to rubbish womanhood. God never cursed the woman in Genesis 3.

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