Monthly Archives: April 2016

Lack of financial transparency causes conflicts in marriage.


If you carefully look at how the Anti-Christ is infiltrating society these days, you will see a planned trend of not only weakening but rubbishing marriage, the family, and the church. He uses two things money and sexuality.

Many marriages are torn apart on these two God-given issues. Many families are collapsing, and you will agree with me that the church is struggling on those two.

I believe that we need to go back to the scriptures, so we can gain enough divine wisdom, in order to counter the deceptions sold us by the enemy concerning money and sexuality in our marriages, family and church.

I want to focus on the money issue today in a marriage set-up. Read the rest of this entry

Your heart is where your treasure is.


We may already know that the number one reason for divorce is lack of intentional investment in our marriages. Most of us do not plan to invest time and resources in making their marriages work and healthy.

Marriage is work and your marriage is your responsibility. Do not leave this responsibility to your relatives, pastors or friends. You will be disappointed.

Each spouse has a work to do to make marriage work and overcoming.  Today we need to Biblically qualify our call to invest in our marriages and families. Mathew 6: 21 say, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Read the rest of this entry

The ‘snare’ for couples in Ministry?  


Perfect-Photo1Today I want to write to my fellow believers and brethren. Am not trying to be critical but just to highlight some issues that we do not necessarily handle well and yet they are affecting marriages in the church big time.

There is need for not only awareness but focused education in the church about marriage particularly at pre-marital level. There is this assumption that because someone is said to be anointed, have a call of God on their lives or have a more visible gift, then they are marriageable or good for marriage.

I think there is some deception taking place there and this is what I just want to highlight and help people with. I have seen a number of well- meaning people of God get hurt in this area. I also see a number of couples serving in ministry or at church struggling because they married the person out of anointing or gift.

black women-married pastor mistress pregnant 3 times

Like I said, there is a misconception that those gifted in ministry or said to be anointed are just ripe for marriage.

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Characteristics of Healthy Marriages.



There are many opinions on this subject and every one of us has a right to their own opinions, although I believe in the opinions of the word of God concerning human issues. I am going to give you a few things that I believe make a marriage healthy. I know that all of us desire healthy marriages where we can really be fruitful and enjoy life together. A very healthy marriage is possible and you are the one who can make it.

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